AFRICA/BENIN – Prayers and offerings. The exchange of gifts that supports the missionary openness of priestly vocations

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AFRICA/BENIN: Prayers and offerings The exchange of gifts to support the missionary openness of priestly callings

Klouékanmè (Agenzia Fides) – Contribute to the growth of a vocation, to its development so that the “seed” bears fruit. Many are those who contribute financially and spiritually each year through the Pontifical Society of Saint Peter the Apostle, so that seminarians can continue their journey to become priests and grow in their vocations. The seminarians are able to benefit from this assistance and pray for their benefactors. This triggers an exchange of gifts and “distance” mutual aid that unites them in a true “missionary brotherhood”, as Father Ambroise Kinhoun, rector of the “Grand Séminaire Mgr Louis-Parisot” of Tchanvédji in Benin, tells Fides.
“An organization called “Missio” has been established in the seminary. Its first objective is to make seminarians aware of the fact that other baptized people are willing to contribute to their formation. This aspect is discussed a lot throughout the year, especially during World Mission Day week, Father Kinhoun says. Exhibits are also set up to show how other Christians from all over the world offer prayers, and offerings to help the seed of a vocation grow.
The “Grand Séminaire Mgr. Louis-Parisot” theological seminary of Tchanvédji, created 27 years ago, is the second theological seminary founded in Benin: between ten and twelve priest educators, three nuns and seventeen lay people work there. Following four years of priestly training, there are now 130 seminarians. With the support of his family, each seminarian provides by donating money or food for the current year. The seminarians dedicate themselves to animal breeding and agriculture, providing their own food. “There are boys from poor families who receive the most support. I know of families who live modestly, send money from Slovakia and give their support to the missions. This is an amazing fact to me. I often hear people praying when I am in Europe for vocations that are growing in other parts of this world, such as here. We live a very important vocational reality. We try to make sure that boys are formed with the missionary openness and vision for the future. (EG) (Agenzia Fides, 29/11/2022)



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