ASIA/BANGLADESH – Ten couples choose the sacrament of marriage: a new path in the Catholic community

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ASIA/BANGLADESH – Ten couples choose to receive the sacrament marriage: a new path within the Catholic community

Dinajpur Diocese

Thakurgaon – They have asked for the sacrament to marry now, having started their lives together as a couple in previous year’s. This was the choice made by ten married couples who were spiritually and pastorally accompanied by Father Anthony Sen (a priest of Dinajpur in northern Bangladesh). The moving liturgy of these days was a chance for the ten couples to receive the graces of the sacrament Christian marriage as provided by the Catholic Rite. Fr. Sen to Agenzia Fides reported that the couples lived in cohabitation and led a marital life together despite not being married. “They had children and lived together. They started a family life without the Sacrament. This experience is beginning to be more common in Bangladesh, despite the fact that it has different causes. We suggested that we discover the Christian lifestyle of marriage. It is a ‘life of three’: spouses and God present. We began a journey of preparation and spiritual depthening after they listened to our suggestions. Fr Sen explained that they were eager to receive the Sacrament gift. We are happy for them.”
Some couples were married for 26 years while others had been together for 20, 12, or 7 years. “As a priest in the parish, he was able to get to know their lives. I met them at the synodal journey. The community wanted to include all the faithful. We began a time for pastoral meeting in the spirit of synodal Church. We took an interest and were inspired by their desire to walk together with all Church members. Father Sen, a priest at Ruhea parish in Thakurgaon, said that this was a synodal experience.
These ten married couples’ journeys are a source for inspiration. In fact, 15 more couples who have taken the same journey will receive the sacrament to marriage next January. They will fully integrate themselves into the community in the spirit and tradition of the Synodal Church.
“The baptized make a valuable contribution to our community. We all have the ability to make choices that will distance us from God. However, it is everyone’s responsibility continue proclaiming God’s love and the special grace given in the Sacrament. Father Sen is also the secretary for the Diocesan Justice and Peace Commission, Dinajpur.
The priest expresses joy that the capillary pastoral work which began with the Synod process and includes the meeting of all the members, is yielding unexpected results. The couples involved feel happy and satisfied that they have received the grace of God and the blessing of God. This gives them a new life and an impetus to their family relationships and marriage.
“In the past, we had considered going to church. But we were afraid and confused because we didn’t know if they would accept our presence. One day, a priest approached us and we spoke and we broke the ice,” explains one of Fides’ spouses. “We know that God will bless us with incredible blessings each day. Together with our children, we will live a life that honors God’s heart, they promise.
John Das, one man involved in the scandal, stated that John and his wife, as well as our three children, are happy. We realized that we had sacrificed something great and beautiful by not getting married in the church. I was uninterested and distant from community life. Now, Jesus Christ has shown me that he loves me, forgives me, and welcomes me into his community. We will be part of the community’s activities and will make our contribution. We have shared our decision with other couples and they are interested in our journey together with God.
This example shows the complexity of the Church’s pastoral care for families and couples in Bangladesh. The Catholic Church offers pastoral care in certain areas of Bangladesh, offering the pastoral proposal of Christian marriage. Traditional tribal Catholics live together according to their culture and customs.
Also, changes in socio-economic conditions can have a negative impact on family life in a country where there is a long tradition of marriage and family unity. Shah Ehsan Habib (Professor of Sociology at the University of Dhaka) says that social changes due to globalization and industrialization are contributing to more problematic situations for marriages and family life.
Failed marriage relationships and divorces in Bangladesh are also common, reports Father Mintu L. Palma. He is an expert in marital law and a member of Commission for Family Life in Archdiocese of Dhaka. The Commission has published a catechetical text for Catholic couples who want to be married.
Another issue is the presence of “mixed marriages” between Christians and Muslims: “About 10-12% of Catholics marry people of other faiths and the Church accepts it. Father Palma explains that problems arise when one spouse violates the conditions and tries to control the other with regard to faith.
The Church of Bangladesh is examining the need to better support married couples on a pastoral and spiritual level.
“There is only one Family Counseling Center (Dhaka) where couples can talk about their problems. Fr. Palma.
From a population that is 165 million strong, Bangladesh has approximately 400,000 Catholics. (PA/FC) (Agenzia Fides, 14/11/2022)



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