Senate induction convention commences in Naivasha – Kenya News Agency

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New Senate Speaker, Mr. Amason Jeffa Kingsi, stated that senators need to be supported in order to be effective at their oversight of County Governments.

Mr. Kingi refuted allegations that senators were lobbying to increase allowances. He explained they were being facilitated in order for them to effectively monitor how devolved money is used. Their core mandate was to oversee the county governments.

“Senators need some funds to facilitate them to move around their counties otherwise wananchi will blame them for not oversighting the use of their funds and giving. Giving them these oversight duties without funding is like sending a soldier to the battle field with a gun but without bullets,” he said.

The Speaker stated that in his 10 years of service as Kilifi County governor, he had to fuel his senator’s car to be able to drive around the county monitoring the implementation of various projects. However, Mr. Kingi stated that the amount of facilitation given to senators will vary depending on which government bodies.

The incoming Senate is pushing for some funding to help them move around the counties and perform oversight roles.

Referring to the rivalry that existed between the National Assembly and Senate, the Senate Speaker stated that he has been in talks about how both Houses can work together in order to pass the necessary legislations for ordinary Kenyans.

On Tuesday, Mr. Kingi spoke in Naivasha as part of the four-day induction process for new senators.

Induction will take place on how the House conducts business and the roles of senators. They will also be enlightened on the relationship between the Senate and the National Assembly and other Government bodies as well as the country`s foreign policy among other issues.

By Mabel Keya – Shikuku

Source: kenyanews

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