Morocco condemns tearing of Holy Koran as a provocative act – The North Africa Post

Morocco condemns in the strongest terms the actions taken by an extremist to rip up a copy the Holy Quran in The Hague (the Netherlands).

The Kingdom “denounces this new provocative act that offends the sacred symbols and feelings of more than a billion Muslims,” said the Foreign Ministry in a statement.

Morocco, “while recalling the values of tolerance and coexistence and respect for sacred symbols, stresses the need to apply the law and act firmly to prevent any attack on religions and the feelings of their followers,” the statement added.
Last week, extremists from Sweden set fire to a copy the Holy Koran. This act was strongly condemned in Morocco as it can fuel hatred and anger between religions.

“The Kingdom of Morocco is shocked by the Swedish authorities’ authorization of this unacceptable act, which took place under the eyes of the Swedish law and order enforcement agents,” the Foreign Affairs Ministry had said in a statement, urging Swedish authorities to intervene to prevent an attack on the Holy Koran and the sacred religious symbols of Muslims.

The values of tolerance and coexistence demand that the logic of “double standards” be abandoned and that the same intransigence and firmness be shown in the face of any attack on the sacred symbols of religions and the feelings of their followers, the statement had said.


Source: north africa post

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