Full speech by president George Weah at the UNGA




NEW YORK, NEW YORK, USA. September 22, 2022


His Excellency Mr. Csaba Korösi

President of the 77Th United Nations General Assembly


His Excellency Mr. António Guterres,

Secretary-General of United Nations


Excellencies, Heads Of State and Government


Distinguished Delegates;


Gentlemen and ladies:


It is an honor for me to address this 77th Session of United Nations General Assembly on behalf of Government and People of Liberia.

Let me felicite His Excellency Mr. Csaba Korösi on his election as President of this 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, and assure him of Liberia’s fullest support.

I would also like you to commend your predecessor,His Excellency Mr. Abdulla Shahid,Thank you for your hard work in managing the affairs at the 76th session of the General Assembly.

Let me also extend my profound thanks and appreciation to His Excellency Mr. António Guterres,Secretary-General United Nations,His visionary and remarkable leadership.

 This year’s Assembly is taking place at a difficult time when, even as the world is recovering from the scourge of COVID-19,We continue to face challenges such as the war in Ukraine, the climate change and its devastating impacts on our environment.

The unwarranted military incursion is having a devastating impact on the Ukrainian people.,The rest of the globe is feeling the devastating effects of economic downturns caused by disruptions of global supply chains,Food insecurity,Prices of basic goods, and services are rising.

The theme of this year’s Assembly, “A Watershed Moment: Transformative Solutions to Interlocking Challenges”,It is both appropriate as well as meaningful.It reminds us of the current state in the world and gives us the opportunity to reflect on the many challenges we face today..

These include the socio-economic and health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.,The devastating effects that climate change has on our lives, environmental concerns, poverty reduction,Food insecurity,Gender inequalities.

The world faces many challenges today and it is necessary to take immediate global action with the United Nations at its center. In so doing,We must pay special attention to the needs and opportunities of developing countries,Particularly,The Least Developed Countries; In accordance with the Doha Program of Action for Least Developed Countries for Decade; 2022-2031.

Collaboration with the United Nations family,Liberia takes the following pledge to protect our planet,Peace promotion,Prevent conflicts, to ensure sustainable financing,To increase partnerships. 


This commitment is reflected by the Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development, which embodies our shared determination to reach peace, prosperity, national development;Address extreme poverty, Inequalities,Regional disparities, infrastructure deficits,Climate Change,equitable distribution of our national assets.

Given Liberia’s youthful population of more than sixty (60%) percent, my Government initiated a youth rehabilitation and empowerment program – The Socio-Economic Empowerment of Disadvantaged Youth Program Between 2019 and 2021,The 13-Million United States Dollars National Fund Drive was launched to empower and rehabate at-risk youth in Liberia..We believe that youth can be a positive force for good when they are empowered.

As Liberia’s Feminist-in-Chief,My Government’s top priorities remain women empowerment and gender equality.. Women do not only comprise almost half of our country’s population,They also play an important role at all levels in society,Both deserve equal attention.,Support,You will be able to take part in the governance and leadership of our society..

To this end,We have developed the legal framework;This includes the ratification and implementation of international and regional instruments to address gender inequalities that are being implemented as a result socio-cultural practices, stereotypes, and perceptions that support male dominance over women..

I am happy to inform you that my government,Together with UN partners,is implementing the EU Spotlight Initiative in an effort to end violence and harmful traditions against women and girls,Encourage and support their sexual and reproduction health and rights.

Additionally,The Government of Liberia is currently implementing a 50 million US Dollars ECOWAS-funded program to increase the entrepreneurial potential of women entrepreneurs

Mr. PRESIDENT, Excellencies 

I wish to express Liberia’s sincere gratitude to our local and international partners,Both bilateral and multilateral,We appreciate their support of our national efforts to combat the pandemic..

Liberia is now on track to attaining herd immunity, hopefully by the end this year, with sixty seven (67%) percent) of the population fully vaccinated.


 My Government continues to act through the formulation and implementation of new policy frameworks, strategic interventions, and other actions to address the effects of climate change and protect our environment.Liberia pledges to achieve a target of sixty four (64%) percent carbon emission reduction below business-as usual by 2030.

We expect that the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Egypt (COP 27) will offer the opportunity to accelerate actions towards the goals of both the Paris Agreement, and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change..


Only in a safe and peaceful environment can sustainable development occur..We are fulfilling our commitment to maintaining regional and global peace & security,Liberia is proud to be a troop-contributing nation,Liberian troops and security apparatus serving in United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali, (MINUSMA), and the United Nations Mission in South Sudan(UNMISS).,and the United Nations Interim Security Forces for Abyei.

We are grateful to the United Nations and all our bilateral and multilateral partners who continue to support our efforts to promote regional and global peace and security.


am pleased to report that the IMF’s latest appraisal of the ongoing program it has with Liberia is very positive.It also shows that inflation rates have been markedly reduced. There are now better prospects for economic growth compared to previous years – in spite of the negative effects of Covid-19.

Our efforts to implement new policy measures to fight corruption were also praised in the report. This was in addition to our continued prudent fiscal management..


Liberia’s democracy continues to grow in strength and stability..After many years civil unrest,Liberia is a safe haven and stronghold for democracy..

This is because in the last few decades, we have taken actions to build and strengthen democratic institutions,The press and the Liberian judiciary.

We have proposed new legislation that empowers the media while eliminating those that tend to suppress free speech.

I am proud to state that, from the very beginning of my Administration until today, this has been my experience., Liberia has no political prisoner.

At regional conferences of ECOWAS and the Mano River Union,These have been invited to discuss efforts to restore democracy to a few trouble spots within our West African region,Liberia has consistently and persistently pleaded for strict adherence to constitutional term limits,For a return to democratic civilian control in cases of military takeover.

Liberia will hold its Presidential and Legislative Elections in October 2023.Our democracy will be strengthened by the forthcoming elections.

This is what we do., I wish to underscore my Government’s unwavering commitment to ensuring that the enabling environment continues to exists for the conduct of peaceful,Free, fair, Transparent,Elections inclusive and fair.  This is in keeping with my commitment to ensure that the democratic will of the Liberian people is respected at all times.

In the weeks leading up to the 2023 election,All potential candidates must avoid inciting violence,Any other behavior that could rob Liberians of the peaceful space they need to exercise their franchise,and are free to express their political views when choosing their leaders.  We must let the people decide,We must then respect their decision.  That is indeed the true essence of democracy.

We will continue to rely on the United Nations in the meantime,Financial assistance from our multilateral and bilateral partners.,technical,Support for building institutional capacity.


We must promote the common good of humanity.,Implementation of Agenda 2030 and achievement of Sustainable Development Goals,International cooperation must take precedence.,The principle of solidarity must be respected..

We have the platform we need to produce the transformative solutions you seek.The world is watching,Our people are watching;Now is the time to seize the moment;Take on the challenges and together, work to lift the poor from poverty.,Sickness and disease,Make sure you are moving forward,All can achieve prosperity and development.

We must, at the same time, protect our planet and guarantee and maintain global peace,Security,Stability.

 Mr. President,We must make every effort to make the United Nations work. More efficient, MoreEffective, MoreAll inclusive, MoreResponsible,And MoreIt is suitable for the purpose.

Thank you.



Source: New republic liberia

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